Grades 9-12
courageous conversations
...discussions & activities will be facilitated/moderated by professional clinicians, subject matter experts and counselors in a supportive, constructive and safe Christian environment
We live in a world where we may be misunderstood. We live in a world where our story may not
be heard. In the land of the free, our shackles can still be seen. So we turn to our history in the
motherland for hope and what we could’ve been. Away from our motherland our possibilities
seem to be limited, to either an athlete or child that was broken than saved. But we are kings
and queens from the home we call Africa, trailblazers in fields that our ancestors could have
never imagined. We are doctors, teachers, scholars and presidents. We are not limited to the
boxes that the modern world has perceived but leaders to a new generation.
by Ester Mokonchu - H.S. Black History Camp
This book provides the reader with a foundational understanding of substance use and addiction.