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Every parent knows that their child has a special ability, which may or may not take some time to find and become great at.
According to a recent article published in Reader’s Digest Magazine, early childhood education experts at the The National Association for Gifted Children have.....

What White People Need To Know About Black History

Do Right by Me: Learning to Raise Black Children in White Spaces
For decades, Katie D’Angelo and Valerie Harrison engaged in conversations about race and racism. However, when Katie and her husband, who...

The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth-"Freedom Day"
On “Freedom’s Eve,” or the eve of January 1, 1863, the first Watch Night services took place. On that night, enslaved and free African...

The Parent’s Guide to Teaching Kids About Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
The world is becoming increasingly diverse with every passing year. Statistics show that in the U.S. alone between 1980 and 2020, the...

What Is "The 1619 Project?"
The 1619 Project of the New York Times Magazine, an in-depth study led by Nikole Hannah-Jones of the over 400-year legacy of American...

The only Black kid in her fifth-grade class spoke up when slavery wasn’t included in a lesson
One day last September, when 10-year-old Iris Haq Lukolyo logged on to Zoom school, her social studies teacher told the class that they...

Parents' Guide to Virtual Learning: Know Your Child's Learning Style
The best way to prepare your child for virtual learning really depends on your child’s personality. While strategies like learning...

Signs your child may be experiencing stress or anxiety about going back to school
Unfortunately, kids may not be able to recognize and articulate what they are feeling. Alternatively, as they get older, they may not...

How to talk to children about shootings: An age-by-age guide
There's no one way to address tragedies with children, and how parents approach it depends both on the child's age and temperament. The...

I Finally Had a Black Teacher. Here’s Why It Mattered.
As a tenth-grade student, Kayla shared about her desire to have a teacher who looks like her. “I’ve never had a brown skin teacher—I’ve...
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